SOXSPIPE File Naming Convention

With the SOXSPIPE file-naming convention you should be able, at a glance, be able to tell the content of the frame without the need to dig into the file’s metadata.

Here is the file-naming scheme for all SOXSPIPE generated frames:


Those variables within square brackets are present only for the frames that require them.


UT date-time stamp reflecting the start of the observation to second precision (required)


the instrument arm the frame originated from. vis, nir or acam (required)


pixel binning used along both axes


the type of frame. See Frame Types section (required)


readout mode (required)


the type of mask (onepin or mulpin) or width of slit (in arcsec) used (required for spectroscopic frames)


the observation mode used, stare, nod or offset (required for spectroscopic frames)

Frame Types

Type String Description
mbias master bias
mdark master dark
mskyflat master sky flat
mflat master lamp flat
arc arc lamp frame
flat flat lamp frame
tel_std telluric standard
spec_std spectroscopic standard
phot_std photometric standard
acqu acquisition
obj science object