Data Reduction Sessions

soxspipe reduces data within a ‘reduction session’. These sessions are designed to be self-contained and isolated from other sessions, allowing a user to reduce the same set of raw data with multiple different pipeline settings. When a workspace is first prepared (using the soxspipe prep command), an initial base session is automatically created. Sessions are stored in the sessions directory of the workspace and contain their own settings file, products and QC directories. soxspipe will remember and use the latest session you were working with unless you create a new session or switch to another one.

To see which reduction session you are working within and all other sessions available, run the command:

soxspipe session ls

To create a new session, run the command:

soxspipe session new

The new session will be named with the date-time stamp of its creation date. Alternatively, you can also supply a memorable name for the session. The name can be up to 16 characters long and use alpha-numeric characters, - or _.

soxspipe session new my_supernova

Or to switch to an existing session, run the command:

soxspipe session <sessionId>

For user convenience, when you switch to a new session, the symbolic links found within the workspace root folder are automatically switched to point to the current session assets (products, qc, sof, soxspipe.yaml,soxspipe.db etc). If you run ls -lrt within your workspace root directory you will see these symlinks reported:

products -> ./sessions/base/products
qc -> ./sessions/base/qc
soxspipe.db -> ./sessions/base/soxspipe.db
soxspipe.yaml -> ./sessions/base/soxspipe.yaml
sof -> ./sessions/base/sof